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Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Aye fellas! how's life?
here I am blogging again. it's been 3 months -if i'm not wrong- since my last post. everything changes a lot in 3 months! new class, new friends, etc. exams, home works, exams, home works, exams, never change! middle test has done, now i'm waiting for the result. just wish for da best! :)
anyway, i enter a class full of smart people and it's making me kinda depressed.  the competition is really really tight, makes me have to study harder. and i'm a girl who is really lazy and really hate that word. smh. but i prefer being in this class to my 7th grade class. my friends are really compact each other, makes me comfortable. 

i'm making a GLS (Greyson Love Story), and i don't know where to post. i was planing to post it on my twitter account (@dtheresia) but.. i'm kinda afraid (you know, twitter can be hard sometimes). should i post it here? :)

i love geyson chance<3

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


hey all dear readers.

there's sumthin that bothering me few days.
my dad back to his bad bad habit.
he smokes.

hmm. u know why this thing is bothering my mind? 

I still remember the story. it was 2009, and it was 5 days after Christmas. We were in Surabaya spending the holidays. one night, suddenly, my mom, dad, and my aunt went to the hospital. they were in hurry. i still remember my mom's face. she looked really panic. i was kinda confused, but my mom said, "take care of your sister, we'll be back, soon." so i listened to her  but my mind still wondering.
late at night, when my cousins, my little sisters, and I were trying to sleep, my grandma came to our room. she was crying, but she wiped her tears. i didn't ask why. my grandma asked us to pray together. She led us, in the middle of our praying, she cried again. she prayed with with vernacular which is i really don't know the meaning. after the prayer she said, "your father is dying." I was shocked. I was started to cry, but yes, i wiped my tears. I was so so sad. my dad, who always looked very healthy, is dying?! you have no idea how i feeling that night.

the next two days. it was 1st January 2010. my dad's birthday. and he lay there, weakly, on the bed, with the respirators things, or yeah stuffs like that. and he still smile. seeing him in that condition is like the worst thing in the life. i felt like i wanna cry but i couldn't. i didn't want my dad saw me cry. i couldn't see his eyes, it would make my eyes wet with tears.
the holidays is almost over but my dad still couldn't go home yet. my mom decided that i have to go back to Bekasi with my aunt and my sisters. and we left my parents in Surabaya.

school started. my teachers, which is also my mom's friends, asked me about my dad. glad to know that there are still a lot of people who care about my family. i just answered them with, "he is sick." because i didn't really know what happened to my dad.

2 weeks later and my parents came home. when i met them again.. it was, kinda awkward. don't know why. and then days passed, and people still asked about my daddy. now i know what happened to daddy that night.

so, my parents and my aunt just arrived at the hospital. maybe because it was really crowded, my dad kinda shocked. he was shortness of breath and immediately taken to the emergency room. the doctors and the nurse take care of my dad. after a few hours taking care of my dad,  they were thinking to give up. that means, my dad. will. die. the doctors asked my mom to bring me and my sisters to... um. let's just say 'give my dad a chance to say the last message'. 

like, wtf was they thinking that night?

but, fortunately, their doctor leader, is my, umm, maybe my aunt. she said to never give up, and do everything so my dad can survive. and yes, thanks God, they did it. :'')

my dad said, when he was dying, he said that he met his father (my grandfather). My grandfather said to don't give up, remember about our children. and then he shouted 'FORGIVE ME GOD! FORGIVE ME JESUS!' oh my God. 

after that night, my dad start living healthy. no smoke, no coffee. everyday my mom makes healthy juice for him (which is really not delicious, yuck). he starts to cycling too! 
but one year after that night still, i worry about everything. when he goes to work, i worry. when he came home late, i worry. i spend almost of my time worrying about my dad. don't know why. im so close to my dad. i dont want something bad happen to him, again. i don't want to lose him.

now.. when i have forgotten about ALL of my worries, he starts to smoke again.

God. what shewd I do?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ho li day.

halo. long time no post yahh. anyone miss me? well i know every one of you does miss me, but you just don't want to admit it ;p


i dont exactly know what should i post today:|

anyway its holiday! woo hoo. but the worst thing is, it's only 2 weeks and today is the 7th day so, only 7 days left. and then... back to the jungle. HAH.
kinda tired of my daily routine. but, what can i do? im only 13. #curhat



bzzz. okay. remember that im only 13 and still live with my parents so, the idea to run away from house is really really bad. okay, what am i talking about.

let's just enjoy the holiday. anyway, HAPPY IDUL FITRI EVERY ONE! eventho im not moslem, but, please forgive every mistakes i did, nobody's perfect, neither are you. :)

this post is boring. bye.

Monday, August 22, 2011

i got this from this 
NAME: Diana Theresia
BIRTHDATE: April 25th, 1998
PRESENT ADDRESS: Edmond, OK. loljk

1. last beverage: Milo
2. last phone call: Dad
3. last text message: 889-_---
4. last song you listened to: Cheyenne - Greyson Chance
5. last time you cried: forgot. doesn't mean that i cry a lot, bcs sometimes i only issued a few drops tears

6. dated someone twice: nope
7. been cheated on: never!
8. kissed someone & regretted it: nope
9. lost someone special: ofc i do. everyone does
10. been depressed: yeah:/
11. been drunk and threw up: never and i won't do that -_-

12. Purple
13. white
14. idk

15. Made a new friend: yup
16. Fallen out of love:
 mehehe yeaa. 17. Laughed until you cried: So often!
18. Met someone who changed you: umm yea, maybe. unsure :/
19. Found out who your true friends were: no.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: mehehe often.
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list: iwh are you kidding me?

22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real: don't know. i've never check my fb now 24. Do you have any pets: nope, mama never let me to have any pet.
25. Do you want to change your name: my name's too beautiful.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: only tweeting....
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: FOR GREYSON TO COME TO INDONESIA, DUDE.
30. Last time you saw your Mother: about 15 minutes ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i want to live in america, soooo bad.
32. What are you listening to right now: Nothin'
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: i have a cousin but his name's Tommy.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: ..... *sigh*
35. Most visited webpage: Twitter, tumblr.
where's 36?
37. Nickname: echa
38. Relationship Status: single 39. Zodiac sign: Taurus
40. He or She: She
41. Elementary: Tunas Global School
42. High School: 12 jhs bekasi 43. College: not yet
44. Hair color: black :D
45. Long or short: short.
46. Height: the last time i checked, i was about 150 cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: mehehe luckily no
48. What do you like about yourself?: i'm f*ckin amazing. i love everything about myself ;p
49. Piercings: no
50. Tattoos: nope, but i've ever think about make one ;p
51. Righty or lefty: Righty

52. First surgery: when i was on 3th grade
53. First piercing: never
54. First best friend: Chersy, i think 55. First sport you joined: never interested in sport
56. First vacation: Surabaya
(where's 57-_-)
58. First pair of trainers: huh?._.v

59. Eating: nothing
60. Drinking: nothing

61. I'm about to: sleep
62. Listening to: fan sound :|
63. Waiting for: nothing

64. Want kids?: yea, twin, mehehe. but, later ofc.
65. Get Married?: of course, when i'm 20+
66. Career?: still dunno

67. Lips or eyes: if the lip's sexy, i'd pick that. but if the eyes are gorgeous, i'd pick that.
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs :D
69. Shorter or taller: come on, who wants to be shorter?
70. Older or Younger: younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic ofc
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice stomach? ahaha dunno
73. Sensitive or loud: loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker! ahahaha

76. Kissed a stranger: ahahahaha no!
77. Drank hard liquor: Nope
78. Lost glasses/contacts: nope
79. Sex on first date: although my parents let me do that, i would never, EVER, do that.
80. Broke someone's heart: don't know:/
81. Had your own heart broken Yes
82. Been arrested: Nopee.
83. Turned someone down: Yeah
84. Cried when someone died: forgot. but i think yes
85. Fallen for a friend: yesh.

86. Yourself: not really...
87. Miracles: always waiting for it. soooo, yes i do.
88. Love at first sight: i don't think so.
89. Heaven: yes!
90. Santa Claus: yeah. i always wait for him every Christmas. every year!
91. Kiss on the first date: nooooo!
92. Angels: yup!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


inget kan di post gue sebelumnya kalo gue batuk kronis? sekarang udah sedikit agak enakan. sedikit doang. suara masih jelek, cuman batunya agak berkurang, setidaknya ga terus22an kayak kemaren.

well, sebenernya gue ga mau bahas itu sih. gue mau bahas apa ya.. umm. gak di satu topik juga sih.
hm. oke mulai.

gue bingung sama anak-anak remaja yg sering bilang 'pengen mati' cuma grgr galau. kayak, "bosen hidup di rumah, pengen mati aja" atau, "gue sayang sama lo, kalo lo gamau sama gue, mending gue mati aja" atau bahkan, "ga ada jengkol  di rumah, pengen mati aja deh".

pertanyaan gue, apa sih gunanya ngomong gitu? biar gaul? biar dibilang keren?  biar dibilang emo? menurut gue sih ga guna kan ngomong kayak gitu.
nih deh ya, kalo kalian di posisi orang yg kena penyakit parah, atau kronis, yang hidupnya divonis dokter tinggal beberapa bulan atau beberapa minggu atau bahkan, beberapa hari lagi. di saat mereka berjuang buat hidup, disitu lo pengen mati. 

as a teenager, i have to admit kalo gue dulu pernah berfikir kayak gitu cuma gara-gara masalah yg sepele. tapi abis baca blog seseorang yg kena leukimia (dan sekarang udah meninggal) gue mikir, kok gue bego banget ya. gue liat orangtua kakak ini bener-bener perhatian sama dia di masa-masa down nya. dan kalo itu terjadi sama lo, gue yakin yang paling sedih ada adlh orang tua lo. Pelajaran mahal pertama: perhatian keluarga itu ga kegantikan sama perhatian22 dari orang lain.

dan, gue yakin lo semua tau, pengobatan itu ga murah. kecuali lo punya kartu yg buat orang yg ga mampu itu tuh,apa namanya gue lupa, dan asal lo tau, setau gue itu dapetnya susah&ribet. bahkan kakak ini sampe harus berobat ke singapura. padahal..akhirnya dia.. hm lo tau lah.  Pelajaran mahal kedua: pengobatan itu mahal.

nah, pas kakak ini lagi di opname, temen-temennya bener22 perhatian. mereka nge jenguk kakak ini pas dia di jakarta. mereka kasih semangat, mereka juga kasih video atau hadiah22 buat kakak ini. pgnbgt gue punya temen kayak gitu. Pelajaran mahal ketiga: True friends will be there for you when you need them.

sebenernya masih banyak bgt pelajaran mahal yg lo dapat kalo lo dying. tapi.. segitu aja kali ya dari gue. so, think twice ya kalo lo mikir 'hidup itu ga ada gunanya lagi'. 

last but not the least, ga ada niat buat nge judge atau sok menggurui, cuman let out yang ada di kepala gue aja.

no offense, cheers! :]